5 Ways To Stick To Your Instrument
by Antwon Carson

Learning a new instrument is like a learning a new language. Beyond reading notes, there are different innuendos and formalities that you have to master to become a maestro in that field.

We asked Antwon Carson, one of our instructors, to tell us how he has learned to play 6 different instruments and how you can keep up with the challenge.

Music should always be fun.

I stuck with it because I really enjoy it!  It made me happy and I knew that I could use a combination of instruments to bring joy to others.  I was always seeking ways to have fun while learning.  I accomplished that by playing things that I liked which kept me interested.

Know where you want to go.

It’s important to keep in mind where you want to go and what it takes to get there.  This keeps things in perspective for me.  Keep in mind how far you have come and where you currently are at in the journey is another aspect of this.  These realizations helped me appreciate the hard work that it takes to learn and stay the course.

Get involved.

Immerse yourself in the culture.  Join a band. Work at your local guitar center. Start watching online tutorials. Go to jazz clubs. Find local work and inspirations around you to shape your musicianship.

Stay hungry.

I never stopped asking questions.  I asked experts for technical advice; I asked myself questions about theory (forcing me to do the research to find the answer). I even asked the cashier at the grocery store their preference in music! I just wanted to know as much about the instrument as possible.

Practice makes perfect. 

The glue that kept it all together.  Practice allowed me to “stick” to the instrument.  I found creative ways to challenge myself.  Goals were set and a standard was kept.  I wanted to be as good as those that had inspired me to play.  I knew that I would have a better chance of accomplishing that vision if I practiced. Although difficult, it was necessary to stick to a consistent practice regimen.  I fell in love with the process.